- !n each step, only concern yourself with the number you are dialing to . Once you’ve stopped at the first number, only look for the second number and so on. (Example: if your numbers are 20, 40 & 60, once you’ve stopped the dial on the number 20 in the first step, then only concern yourself with watching for the number 40 during the second step)
- Every time a number passes the dialing index it counts as a full turn EVEN IF YOU HAVE NOT TURNED THE DIAL A FULL REVOLUTION (The dialing index is the mark/arrow on the dial ring, usually at the 12 o’clock position)
- You must stop directly on the number. If you pass the number you are dialing to, you will have to start from the beginning.
First Step |

Turn left stopping when the first number comes to the mark the 4th time. |
Second Step |

Turn right stopping when the second number comes to the mark the 3rd time |
Third Step |

Turn left stopping when the third number comes to the mark the 2nd time |
Fourth Step |

Turn right past “0” until the dial comes to a complete stop |
Final Step |
If your safe has a handle – Turn the handle until it fully stops, and pull the door toward you |
If your safe does not have a handle, simply pull the door toward you |
While there are a variety of different safe locks used, these instructions should work with most locks using a three number combination (example: 20 – 40 – 60) except Sentry and other mass marketed / imported safes