Before you begin
This keypad requires a “PIN” code and a “DOOR” code to operate. You will need to have both of these codes ready to program the keypad.
“PIN” code – this is the number that will be used to open / close the garage door. This number is chosen by the user. It can be up to 8 digits (we recommend not less than three)
“DOOR” code – This number will make the keypad compatible to the operator. It is determined by viewing the table and converting the dip switches in the unit or remote, into a three or four digit code.
Looking in the receiver or in the transmitter, find the dip switch board, you may have 9 or 12 switches. Break these up into groups of 3. (if you have 9 switches you will have 3 groups. If you have 12 switches you will have 4 groups). Using the table below convert each group of three switches to a number. THIS 3 OR 4 DIGIT NUMBER WILL BE YOUR DOOR CODE.
UP | UP | UP | = 7 |
UP | UP | Down | = 6 | |
UP | Down | UP | = 5 | |
UP | Down | Down | = 4 | |
Down | UP | UP | = 3 |
Down | UP | Down | = 2 | |
Down | Down | UP | = 1 | |
Down | Down | Down | = 0 |
Setting a combination from scratch:
- Holding down the “#” and the “8” buttons simultaneously slide cover up until light comes on and release buttons. This clears all existing information stored in keypad.
- Press 3, 5, 7 and # buttons (red light should flash once per second)
- Enter your “PIN” number into the keypad followed by the # button (light should blink faster).
- Enter your three or four digit “DOOR CODE” followed by the * button (light should go out). Slide cover down.
- To use / test your keypad, slide cover up, enter your “PIN” number followed by the * button. Door should operate.