Auditcon 2100 date & time

To Check Time on Lock.
1. Power up lock by turning dial
2. Press “#” “7”
  • Lock will show current Daylight Savings time status. “ds” followed by either “off” or “on”
  • Then lock will flash time currently set on lock “cl” followed by “HH – MM – SS”
  • This will be followed by Europeaon Date status. “Ed” followed by either “off” or “on” (european date format is date / month / year)
  • Lock will then show current date set “MM-DD-YY”
3. When Done press “#” 
To Change Daylight Saving Time Status
1. Power up Lock by turning dial
2. Press “#” “8”
  • Lock will show ESP (enter supervisor password) 
3. Enter 6-digit supervisor password
  • Lock will show ISI (insert supervisor identifier)
4. Touch Supervisor key (Black s, or ss,) to lock
  • Lock will show ESS (enter supervisor submenu)
5. Press “2”
  • Lock will flash current status of Daylight Savings Time”dS” “on” or “off”
6. To switch status, press the “*”
  • Lock will go blank, DST status has been changed
To Set / Change the Time & Date
1. Power up Lock by turning dial
2. Press “#” “8”
  • Lock will show ESP (enter supervisor password) 
3. Enter 6-digit supervisor password
  • Lock will show ISI (insert supervisor identifier)
4. Touch Supervisor key (Black S, or SS,) to lock
  • Lock will Show ESS (enter supervisor submenu)
5. Press “1” 
  • Lock will show ECL (enter clock time) 
6. Using military time, enter the Hour, Minute, Second, “HH – MM – SS”
  • Lock will show status of daylight savings time – “dS” + “on” or “off”
  • Lock will then flash the time you setting – “CL” followed by “HH-MM-SS” 
7. If time is correct, press “#”, If time is incorrect press “*” then start again at step 6
  • Lock will then show EdA (enter date)
8. Enter the date as “MM – DD – YY”
  • Lock will then flash the status of the europeaon date format – “Ed” “off” or “on”
  • Lock will then flash the date you are setting – “dA” followed by “MM-DD-YY”
9. If date is correct, press “#”, If date is incorrect press “*” then start again at step 8